Are Airsoft Guns Safe for 11 Year Olds

Are Airsoft Guns Safe for 11 Year Olds

Final night my friend, who has a 13-yr-old son, asked me how old do you have to be to play airsoft. He was worried if his kid tin get hurt playing airsoft and is it okay to give him an airsoft gun, even if it isn't a real gun.

The reply to this question is not that simple equally it actually depends from kid to kid. Information technology depends on how mature and responsible your kid is equally some 11 years old can be more than mature and responsible to handle airsoft gun than a fifteen-year-old kid. Also, the answer depends on where yous alive as each land has different laws. After extensive research, I would say the most appropriate historic period to start playing airsoft is 12 or xiii although kids can't purchase airsoft guns if they are not 18 years quondam in almost countries. Airsoft guns are not considered firearms although airsoft is illegal in some parts of the globe.

What Is Airsoft Gun And How Does It Work?

The starting time thing y'all need to understand is what airsoft gun is and how does information technology work. Airsoft guns are air-powered guns that shoot 6 or 8mm plastic round projectiles called Bbs. They are realistic replicas of existing firearms and in that location are three types of airsoft guns – jump, electric, and gas. Each of them has its own strengths and weaknesses.

airsoft recommended age to play

Gas-powered guns use compressed gas to propel the BB out of the gun and there are two types of gas guns – GBB which stands for Gas Blow Back and NBB which stands for Non-Blow Back. NBB guns don't have recoil while GBB guns provide a pretty realistic recoil. You can find more information on recoil in our article Do Airsoft Guns Have Recoil?

Spring-powered guns or "springers", use a spring to push the BB and must exist manually cocked earlier each shot. They are mostly entry-level and considered as beginner weapons. Electric guns or "AEG" are battery-powered Airsoft Guns and are the almost pop and common type of airsoft gun. They work very similarly to spring-powered guns but y'all don't accept to manually pull back the spring, every bit an electrical motor, which is connected to the rechargeable bombardment, is used for this.

Is information technology Safe For My Kids to Play Airsoft? Tin They Get hurt?

Airsoft is as rubber or dangerous merely like many other outdoor activities. If your kid follows safety procedures and wears protective gear, aye, it is prophylactic for him to play Airsoft. And if he doesn't follow condom procedures he can go serious injuries, merely like in any other activity.

Airsoft guns are low velocity, non-lethal guns that usually burn at a velocity of 300-400 feet per 2nd. If your kid wears proper clothing (long sleeve shirts and pants, tactical vest, gloves, and mask) it won't injure much if he gets hit, merely information technology will hurt him if he'due south hit on the exposed skin and will probably exit a mark (red contusions or "welts") or break the skin. But it hurts much less than being hit with paintballs.

The biggest danger is being hit in the eye and so make sure that your kid is wearing a face mask at all times. I know that kids can get frustrated wearing a mask or goggles as they tend to fog upward but talk to your child almost this, and emphasize how of import information technology is to wear a mask and that they should never take information technology off.

So, the nigh of import thing is to buy him proper prophylactic equipment which should include a full face mask, gloves, elbow and knee pads, proper footwear, uniform, and tactical vest.

Also, make certain that the field where you're going to play have velocity guidelines. Muzzle velocity is an airsoft gun projectile speed measured in feet per second (FPS) and it can vary depending on the blazon of game or gun. For your kid's safety brand sure that the field is checking velocity using Airsoft shooting chronograph. Get more information on this subject in our commodity What's The Highest FPS Airsoft Gun And Does FPS Fifty-fifty Matter?

Yous should also bank check MED, which stands for Minimum Appointment Altitude, which is the minimum distance from which y'all tin shoot at your opponents.

Tin My Kids Play Airsoft?

If yous follow proper prophylactic procedures and your kid is of a certain age, yes, your kids can play Airsoft. There is no definite reply when it'due south ok for kids to play airsoft, information technology actually depends from child to kid. Some xi years one-time tin can exist more mature and responsible to handle airsoft guns than a 14-year-old kid. So as a parent, you know your child best and if it's ok to let him play airsoft and handle the gun. If your child is young and irresponsible for his age and he doesn't understand that he could seriously hurt someone than don't give him airsoft gun no affair how erstwhile is he.

Also respond depends from field to field. In the USA, in many fields, the minimum age to play airsoft is ten years erstwhile. The typical age limit in most fields is 14 years old. But information technology's best to check with the field on which you're going to play. Of course, most fields won't permit him play without the supervision of grown-up. 1 more thing that you must take into consideration are the laws of the country where you live.

airsoft recommended age to play

Before buying equipment the all-time advice I can give y'all is to take your kids to some local field and rent guns and safety equipment. Play a couple of rounds with your kids and if they like it then you can buy them necessary equipment. Although a full-face mask is not mandatory for adults, information technology is required for children in many fields. And I hope you're responsible plenty and you will buy your child proper total face mask so he doesn't get hurt. Also buy him gloves, elbow and knee pads, proper footwear, compatible, and tactical vest.

What Is The Recommended Age To Get-go Playing Airsoft?

Airsoft guns should be treated as existent guns at all times. Near of the manufacturers will tell y'all the same thing. And as I already said, if your child is immature and irresponsible for his historic period and he doesn't understand that he could seriously hurt someone then don't give him airsoft gun no matter how old is he.

But if we take a look at the average teenager and not some special individuals, the recommended age to starting time playing airsoft is 12 or 13 years old. The reason for this is that at that age, kids are a little more mature and responsible and they are also old plenty to know how to handle unsafe tools similar an airsoft gun without hurting themselves or other people.

Can 10 Year Olds Play Airsoft?

In most countries in the world, it is illegal for underage kids to play airsoft, while in USA 10-year-olds, with the supervisor of grown-ups, can play airsoft. And then it depends on where are you living.

This also depends on parent to parent. I know some parents who would or did bought their 10-year-olds an airsoft gun while other parents wouldn't give them airsoft guns even if they are twenty years old.

Personally I wouldn't recommend giving an airsoft gun to ten years old as an boilerplate 10-year-old kid is not mature and responsible plenty to play and probably doesn't empathize how serious he tin can hurt someone with an airsoft gun. Yes, I said that some xi years old can be more mature than much older kids but notwithstanding, I think that x-year-olds are too young to play airsoft.

Can a 12-year-sometime Play Airsoft?

As I said before 12 or 13 years quondam, is the recommended age to start playing airsoft every bit kids this age are becoming teenagers and they are a little more than mature and responsible. They are also old enough to know how to handle dangerous tools like an airsoft gun without hurting themselves or other people.

So I would say 12 is a minimum historic period for kids to start playing airsoft. But as I said before, you equally a parent know you kid best and is he responsible and mature enough to handle an airsoft gun. Of course, if you're living in a country where laws allow underage kids to play airsoft.

Safety Tips And Rules For Kids

Before letting your kids play airsoft at that place are a couple of things you should teach them. Make sure that your kids are agreement the rules and prophylactic tips.

Here I'k going to give you lot a couple of prophylactic tips and rules:

  • Treat an airsoft gun every bit a real gun at all times. Don't point them at anybody if you're not playing a game, turn the prophylactic on, and have a magazine out. Even meliorate continue your weapon in a holster or put "barrel numberless" or barrel blockers over the muzzle of the gun.
  • NEVER take off your full-confront mask when y'all're on a battleground. Don't take off any of the safety equipment while y'all're on the field.
  • Airsoft gun must be in prophylactic mode if you're not playing.
  • When you take a magazine out, press a  trigger for a couple of seconds to empty Bulletin board system that may still be in the butt.
  • When you're non on the field, don't bear witness your airsoft gun in public or carry it without a case as it could hands exist mistaken for a real gun.
  • No physical contact – it's forbidden to hit anyone with guns
  • No indicate-blank range firing
  • Avoid head shots – aim for the body or legs of the opponent every bit headshots are dangerous
  • Only point the gun in a safe direction
  • DO Non look down the barrel of the gun

What Airsoft Prophylactic Gear Should I Buy For My Kids?

The most important thing to proceed your kid safe is to purchase him proper rubber equipment which includes the following:

  • Total-face up mask – on many Airsoft fields it is mandatory to vesture a full-face mask if you're underage. Fifty-fifty without that requirement purchase your child a mask and not goggles. Or at least purchase him a one-half-face mask, which protects the lower part of the face, and goggles.
  • Gloves – do not permit your kid play without gloves every bit their hands are exposed when handling replicas on the field.
  • Elbow and knee pads – to protect your kid when jumping or falling. Also, he will be thankful you lot bought him pads if he must lay in the prone position on a hard surface for a longer catamenia of time.
  • Footwear – become him proper footwear with skillful traction depending on which type of terrain he volition be playing.
  • Tactical belong – it doesn't only offers extra protection, but makes carrying all the gear a lot easier.
  • Long sleeve shirt and pants

The Benefits of Airsoft For Kids

Besides being a really fun outdoor activeness, airsoft provides a wealth of benefits for your kids.

Physical activity

One of the biggest benefits is concrete activeness. In this historic period kids are sitting a lot in front of a Telly or computer and it's sometimes difficult to make them go out and exercise. Airsoft is such fun activity that they volition be happy running around for a couple of hours. Airsoft forces you lot to run, leap, duck behind the comprehend, sprint, and bend in all sorts of means. It's actually a fun full-body workout.

Mental do good

Too existence a great exercise for your kids, airsoft has some mental benefits too. Playing as a part of a squad will teach your kids some other stuff. Similar how to be a team actor, how to follow orders, and how to atomic number 82. While playing an airsoft kids are besides developing strategies and tactics to win the game.

Learning these skills volition definitely help yous child later in life every bit they brand a solid foundation for other team-based sports or their professional careers.

Social benefits

We live in a fourth dimension where kids are pretty anti-social. They are more engaging with others via their mobile phones or computers than contiguous and as a result, they are lacking some basic social skills.

Airsoft, being a team-based sport, makes them interact with other people of unlike age groups and thus developing their social skills.

Laws On Airsoft for Kids: At What Historic period Can You Start Playing Airsoft?

As I already said one of the things that yous must check earlier letting your child play airsoft are the laws in your country.

In some countries, like Australia, airsoft is illegal and in some countries, it is illegal for children under the age of 18 to play airsoft. In Europe, you take to exist at to the lowest degree 16 years or 18 years old to play airsoft. In the USA the minimum historic period to play airsoft is 10 years old. This of course also depends on the laws regarding airsoft in the particular state or county where y'all live.

In India, airsoft is not recognized every bit a sporting activeness while in Israel, airsoft guns are illegal to import, industry, and sell.

Here is a listing of countries and their laws regarding the minimum historic period to play airsoft or own airsoft guns.

Country Minimum historic period to play airsoft Minimum historic period to purchase or own airsoft gun
United states of america No minimum age with parental permission or supervision. It depends from field to field. 18
Australia, Malaysia Illegal Illegal
Canada under 18 with the supervision of an adult 18
Uk, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Croatia, Czech republic, Greece, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland 18 18
Armenia, Hong Kong, Ireland, State of kuwait, Latvia, Russia, Thailand, Ukraine, Macau No age limit No age limit
People's republic of china, Singapore, Philippines Banned Banned
Denmark 16 with parents
Finland Any age with written permission from parents Whatsoever historic period with written permission from parents
France under 18 but only airsoft guns
under 0.08 joules in power
under 18 merely only airsoft guns
under 0.08 joules in ability
Bulgaria xiv-18 with
parents permission
No historic period limit although traders don't sell Airsoft guns to minors
Germany 14-eighteen
only only airsoft guns
nether 0.5 joules
14 for guns under 0.v joules and eighteen for guns with muzzle energy between 0.5 and seven.5 joules
Hungary, Serbia 16 16
United mexican states Unregulated Unregulated
Italy fourteen-xviii with the supervision of an developed 18
Japan nether 18 but but airsoft guns
under 0.135 joules
Norway, Poland Whatsoever age with parents
Indonesia not specified 18
New Zealand xvi
with a firearms
Portugal xviii or 16 with written parental consent 18
Netherlands must be fellow member
of the NAVB (Dutch Airsoft Association)
must exist member
of the NAVB (Dutch Airsoft Association)


I hope you got all the needed information from this article. So the recommended age to first playing is 12 or thirteen years onetime, of course, if laws in your country allow underage kids to play airsoft. Just make sure your child is mature and responsible enough to handle an airsoft gun and that he's acquainted with rules and safety tips. And of course, don't let him play without security equipment.

Photos credit: (benjaminwgr0, 8089514)

Are Airsoft Guns Safe for 11 Year Olds

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